Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Macam-macam bilangan

A. Macam-macam bilangan
1. Bilangan bulat
Bilangan bulat merupakan bilangan yang terdiri dari bilangan nol, bilangan positif, dan bilangan
negatife, contohnya: -3, -2 ,-1 , 0 , 1 , 2 , 3…. Dst

2. Bilangan asli
Bilangan asli merupakan suatu bilangan bulat positif yamg harus diawali dari angka1 (satu) hingga
tak terhingga, contohnya: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5…. Dst

3. Bilangan cacah
Bilangan cacah merupakan suatu bilangan bulat positif yang harus diawali dari angka 0 (nol)
hingga tak terhingga, contohnya: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5…. Dst

4. Bilangan Prima
Bilangan prima merupakan suatu bilangan yang tepat punya 2 faktor, yaitu bilangan 1 (satu) dan
dengan bilangan itu sendiri, contohnya: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13…. Dst

5. Bilangan Komposit
Bilangan komposit merupakan bilangan yang bukan 0 (nol), juga bukan 1, dan bukan juga bilangan
Prima, contohnya: 4, 6, 8, 9 , 10, 12, 14…. Dst

6. Bilangan Rasional
Bilangan Rasional merrupakan suatu bilangan yang dapat dinyatkan sebagai suatu pembagian
antara 2 bilangan bulat, contonya: ½, 2/3, ¾…. Dst

7. Bilangan Irrasional
Bilangan Irrasional merupakan bilangan yang nggak bisa dinyatkan sebagai pembagi dua bilangan
bulat, contohnya: √3, log 7….. Dst

8. Bilangan rill atua biasa disebut dengan bilangan nyata
Bilangan rill merupakan bilangan yang merupakan penggabungan dari bilangan rasional dan
Irrasional, contohnya: ½ √2, 1/3 √5, 2/3 log 2, dan seterusnya.

9. Bilangan Imajiner atau bilangan khayal
Bilangan imajiner merupakan bilangan yang ditandai dengan huruf i, Bilangan imajiner dengan
huruf i dapat dinyatakan sebagai √-1. Jadi apabila i = √-1 maka i2 = -1
contonya: √-8 = …. ?
√-8 = √8 x (-1) = √8 x √-1 = 4 x i = 2 i

10. Bilangan kompleks
bilangan kompleks merupakan suatu bilangan yangv merupakan penggabungan dari suatu
bilangan rill dan bilangan imajiner
contohnya: Log √-1 = log i

B. Sifat-sifat operasi dalam bilangan

1. Sifat komutatif atau sifat pertukaran
a + b = b + a atau a x b = b x a

2. Sifat asosiatif atau sifat pengelompokan
(a + b) + c = a + (b + c)
(p xq) x r = p x (q x r)

3. Sifat distributife atau sifat penyebaran

- Perkalian yang terjadi terhadap penjumlahan
( p + q) x r = (p x r) + (q x r)
- Perkalian yang terjadi terhadap pengurangan
( a - b) x c = (a x c) - (b x c)
- Pembagian yang terjadi terhadap penjumlahan
( p + b)/r= p/r + q/r
- Pembagian yang terjadi terhadap pengurangan
( a - b)/c = a/c - b/c

C. Pangkat atau eksponen

1. Pangkat bilangan bulat yang positif
Bentuk umum: An A = Bilangan pokok n = pangkat atau eksponen
Sifat pada pangkat bilangan bulat yang positif:

1. Am x An = Am + n
Contoh: 62 x 64 = 62+4 = 66

2. Am/An = Am - n
Contoh: 49/46 = 49-6 43

3. (P x Q)n = Pn x Qn
Contoh: (5 x 2)2 = 52 x 22

4. (P/Q)2 = P2/Q2
Contoh: ( 3/5)4 = 32

2. Pangkat bilangan bulat yang negative dan nol
1. P-n = 1/Pn
Contoh: 6-3 = 1/63 = 1/216
2. A0 = 1 syarat A ≠ 0
Contoh: 60 = 1
3. Pangkat pecahan
1. A1/n = n√A
Contoh: 51/3 = 3√5
2. Am/n = n√Am
Contoh: 52/4 = 4√52

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Every day we tell each other
That this day will be the last
And tomorrow we all can go home free
And all this will finally end
Palestine tomorrow will be free
Palestine tomorrow will be free

No mother no father to wipe away my tears
That’s why I won’t cry
I feel scared but I won’t show my fears
I keep my head high
Deep in my heart I never have any doubt
That Palestine tomorrow will be free
Palestine tomorrow will be free

I saw those rockets and bombs shining in the sky
Like drops of rain in the sun’s light
Taking away everyone dear to my heart
Destroying my dreams in a blink of an eye
What happened to our human rights?
What happened to the sanctity of life?
And all those other lies?
I know that I’m only a child
But is your conscience still alive

I will caress with my bare hands
Every precious grain of sand
Every stone and every tree
‘Cause no matter what they do
They can never hurt you
Coz your soul will always be free

Palestine tomorrow will be free
Palestine tomorrow will be free


Every day we tell each other
That this day will be the last
And tomorrow we all can go home free
And all this will finally end
Palestine tomorrow will be free
Palestine tomorrow will be free

No mother no father to wipe away my tears
That’s why I won’t cry
I feel scared but I won’t show my fears
I keep my head high
Deep in my heart I never have any doubt
That Palestine tomorrow will be free
Palestine tomorrow will be free

I saw those rockets and bombs shining in the sky
Like drops of rain in the sun’s light
Taking away everyone dear to my heart
Destroying my dreams in a blink of an eye
What happened to our human rights?
What happened to the sanctity of life?
And all those other lies?
I know that I’m only a child
But is your conscience still alive

I will caress with my bare hands
Every precious grain of sand
Every stone and every tree
‘Cause no matter what they do
They can never hurt you
Coz your soul will always be free

Palestine tomorrow will be free
Palestine tomorrow will be free


أنتَ نورُ اللـَّهِ فـَجرًا
جـِئتَ بَعدَ العُسر يُسرًا
رَبُّنا أعلاكَ قـَدرًا
يا إمامَ الأنبياءِ

أنتَ فى الوجدان حَىٌّ
أنتَ لِلعـَينـَين ضـَىٌّ
أنتَ عِندَ الحَوض رىٌّ
أنتَ هادٍ وَصَفىٌّ
يا حَبيبى يا مُحَمَّد

يا نـَبىّ سَلام عَلـَيكَ
يا رَسول سَلام عَلـَيكَ
يا حَبيب سَلام عَلـَيكَ
صَلـَواتُ اللـَّه عَلـَيكَ

يَرتـَوى بـِالحُبِّ قـَلبى
حُبِّ خـَير رُسل رَبّى
مَن بـِهِ أبصَرتُ دَربى
يا شـَفيعى يا رَسولَ اللـَّه

أيُّها المُختارُ فينا
زادَنا الحُبُّ حَنينا
جـِئتـَنا بـِالخـَير دينا
يا خِتامَ المُرسَلينَ
يا حَبيبى يا مُحَمَّد

Anta noorol lahy fajran (You are the light of Allah at dawn)
Jeita baadal osry yosran (You came after the hardship as convenience)
Rabbona aalaka kadran (Our God raised up your position)
Ya imam al anbeya'ee (Oh Imam (Leader) of the Prophets)

Anta fel wejdany hayyon (You are alive in sentiment)
Anta lel aynayny dayyon (You are the light of eyes)
Anta endal hawdy reyyon (You are the irrigation at the Hawd (basin))
Anta haden wa safeyyon (You are the absolutely pure guide)
Ya habeeby ya muhammad (My beloved Muhammad)

Ya nabey salam alayka (Oh Prophet, peace be upon you)
Ya rassool salam alayka (Oh Messenger, peace be)
Ya habeeb salam alayka (Oh beloved, peace be)
Salawatol lah alayka (The prayers of Allah be)

Yartawee bel hobby kalby (My heart irrigates with love)
Hobby khayry rosly rabby (The love of the best of Messengers of my God)
Man behee absarto darby (Whom by him I have seen my path)
Ya shafee'ee ya rassool allah (My intercessor, Oh Messenger of Allah)

Ayyohal mokhtaro feena (Oh, the chosen out from us)
Zadanal hobbo haneena (Love boosted up the nostalgia)
Jeitana bel khayry deena (You came for us with religious peace)
Ya khetamal morsaleena (Oh, final Messenger)
Ya habeeby ya muhammad (My beloved Muhammad)

For The Rest Of my Life

For The Rest Of my Life-Maher Zain

I praise Allah for sending me you my love
You found me home and sail with me
And I`m here with you
Now let me let you know
You`ve opened my heart
I was always thinking that love was wrong
But everything was changed when you came along
And theres a couple words I want to say
For the rest of my life
I`ll be with you
I`ll stay by your side honest and true
Till the end of my time
I`ll be loving you.loving you
For the rest of my life
Thru days and night
I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes
Now and forever I…I`ll be there for you

I know that deep in my heart
I feel so blessed when I think of you
And I ask Allah to bless all we do
You`re my wife and my friend and my strength
And I pray we`re together eternally
Now I find myself so strong
Everything changed when you came along
And theres a couple word I want to say
*Repeat Chorus
I know that deep in my heart now that you`re here
Infront of me I strongly feel love
And I have no doubt
And I`m singing loud that I`ll love you eternally

Repeat Chorus
I know that deep in my heart..

Lagu ni best sgt..hu2~

maher zain 'awaken'

We were given so many prizes
We changed the desert into oasis
We built buildings of different lengths and sizes
And we felt so very satisfied
We bought and bought
We couldn't stop buying
We gave charity to the poor 'cause
We couldn't stand their crying
We thought we paid our dues
But in fact
To ourselves we're just lying

Oh...I'm walking with my head lowered in shame from my place
I'm walking with my head lowered from my race
Yes it's easy to blame everything on the west
When in fact all focus should be on ourselves

We were told what to buy and we'd bought
We went to London, Paris and
We made show we were seen in the most exclusive shops
Yes we felt so very satisfied

We felt our money gave us infinite power
We forgot to teach our children about history and honor
We didn't have any time to lose
When we were.. (were)
So busy feeling so satisfied

I'm walking with my head lowered in shame from my place
I'm walking with my head lowered from my race
Yes it's easy to blame everything on the west
When in fact all focus should be on ourselves

We became the visuals without a soul
despite the heat
Our homes felt so empty and cold
To fill the emptiness
We bought and bought
Maybe all the fancy cars
And blink will make us feel satisfied

My dear brother and sister
It's time to change inside
Open your eyes
Don't throw away what's right aside
Before the day comes
When there's nowhere to run and hide
Now ask yourself 'cause Allah's watching you

Is He satisfied?
Is Allah satisfied?
Is Allah satisfied?
Is Allah satisfied?

Oh..I'm walking with my head lowered in shame from my place
I'm walking with my head lowered from my race
Yes it's easy to blame everything on the west
When in fact all focus should be on ourselves

For The Rest Of my Life

For The Rest Of my Life-Maher Zain

I praise Allah for sending me you my love
You found me home and sail with me
And I`m here with you
Now let me let you know
You`ve opened my heart
I was always thinking that love was wrong
But everything was changed when you came along
And theres a couple words I want to say
For the rest of my life
I`ll be with you
I`ll stay by your side honest and true
Till the end of my time
I`ll be loving you.loving you
For the rest of my life
Thru days and night
I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes
Now and forever I…I`ll be there for you

I know that deep in my heart
I feel so blessed when I think of you
And I ask Allah to bless all we do
You`re my wife and my friend and my strength
And I pray we`re together eternally
Now I find myself so strong
Everything changed when you came along
And theres a couple word I want to say
*Repeat Chorus
I know that deep in my heart now that you`re here
Infront of me I strongly feel love
And I have no doubt
And I`m singing loud that I`ll love you eternally

Repeat Chorus
I know that deep in my heart..

Lagu ni best sgt..hu2~

maher zain 'awaken'

We were given so many prizes
We changed the desert into oasis
We built buildings of different lengths and sizes
And we felt so very satisfied
We bought and bought
We couldn't stop buying
We gave charity to the poor 'cause
We couldn't stand their crying
We thought we paid our dues
But in fact
To ourselves we're just lying

Oh...I'm walking with my head lowered in shame from my place
I'm walking with my head lowered from my race
Yes it's easy to blame everything on the west
When in fact all focus should be on ourselves

We were told what to buy and we'd bought
We went to London, Paris and
We made show we were seen in the most exclusive shops
Yes we felt so very satisfied

We felt our money gave us infinite power
We forgot to teach our children about history and honor
We didn't have any time to lose
When we were.. (were)
So busy feeling so satisfied

I'm walking with my head lowered in shame from my place
I'm walking with my head lowered from my race
Yes it's easy to blame everything on the west
When in fact all focus should be on ourselves

We became the visuals without a soul
despite the heat
Our homes felt so empty and cold
To fill the emptiness
We bought and bought
Maybe all the fancy cars
And blink will make us feel satisfied

My dear brother and sister
It's time to change inside
Open your eyes
Don't throw away what's right aside
Before the day comes
When there's nowhere to run and hide
Now ask yourself 'cause Allah's watching you

Is He satisfied?
Is Allah satisfied?
Is Allah satisfied?
Is Allah satisfied?

Oh..I'm walking with my head lowered in shame from my place
I'm walking with my head lowered from my race
Yes it's easy to blame everything on the west
When in fact all focus should be on ourselves

Sunday, July 3, 2011