Thursday, January 20, 2011

How to Have a Healthy Relationship

There are reliable tools that can be used to create a healthy relationship, many of which have not been taught in our culture. If you want to have a really healthy relationship, follow these simple guidelines.
1. Do not expect anyone to be responsible for your happiness. Ask yourself why you aren't happy. Too often, relationships fail because someone is unhappy and blames the partner. Your life is solely under your control, with your relationship you have to take the good with the bad. You need to give as well as take. This is with the exception of domestic violence.
2. Make and keep clear agreements. Respect the differences between yourself and your partner. Do not expect your partner to agree with you on every issue. Reach a mutual agreement or plan, and then commit to it. If you say you're going to meet your partner for lunch at noon, be on time or call if you absolutely must be late. If you agree to have a monogamous relationship, keep that agreement. Keeping agreements shows respect for yourself and your partner, as well as creating a sense of trust and safety.
3. Use communication to establish a common ground to understand different points of view and to create a mutual, collaborative agreement or plan. You can choose to be right or to have a successful relationship. You can't always have both. Many people argue to be "right" about something. They say. "If you loved me, you would..." and argue to hear the other say, "Fine, you're right." If you are generally more interested in being right, this approach will not create a healthy relationship. Having a healthy relationship means that, while you have your experience, and your partner has his or her experience, you love and share and learn from those experiences. And if you can't reach any kind of mutual agreement, that doesn't mean either of you are wrong.
4. Approach your relationship as a learning experience. Each one has important information for you to learn. A true relationship will consist of both partners who need to equally contribute. Not only is that the only type of relationship that will work out, but it will work out in both of your favor.
5. Tell the unarguable truth. Be truthful to yourself and your partner if you want true love. Many people are taught to lie to protect someone's feelings, either their own or their partner's. Lies create disconnection between you and your relationship, even if your partner never finds out about it. For any sort of relationship, to work you need to have trust.

6. Forgive one another. Forgiveness is a decision of letting go of the past and focusing on the present. It's about taking control of your current situation. Talk about the issue and try to reach a mutual agreement on how to handle the situation in the future and then commit to it. If you can't reach an agreement, it's a bad sign. If you learn from the past and do not repeat the same pattern, it's a good sign. It's the only way to prevent yourself from more disappointment, anger or resentment. Respect your partner, when your partner tells you to leave them alone, do give him or her the time and space.
7. Review your expectations. Try to be as clear as you can about any expectations - including acceptable and unacceptable behaviour and attitudes, especially attitudes towards money. Everybody needs love, intimacy, affection, and affirmation.
8. Be Responsible. Here's a new definition: responsible means having the ability to respond. Respond to the real problem, to your true needs. It does not mean you or your partner are to blame. There is tremendous power in claiming your creation. If you've been snippy to your partner, own up to it and say sorry. You'll be amazed how this works
9. Appreciate yourself and your partner. In the midst of an argument, it can be difficult to find something to appreciate. Start by generating appreciation in moments of non-stress, and that way when you need to be able to do it during a stressful conversation, it will be easier. One definition of appreciation is to be sensitively aware so you don't have to be sugar-coating anything; so tell your beloved that you love him or her, and that you don't want to argue but to talk and make it better.
10. Admit your mistakes and say sorry. One possible way to do this is to talk after having a misunderstanding or argument. For example you can ask your partner to give you some time to think of the wrong and right things that you and he/she did. Ask your partner to do the same thing and talk to them when you are both ready. Ask your partner to give you time to talk and explain to them why you were angry, the wrong things you did, the things they did that you did not like and what you would like them to change. Ask your partner to do the same thing and give them a fair chance to talk and explain also. This will make your relationship stronger and help strengthen the communication between you and your partner.
11. Spend some quality time together. No matter how busy you two are, there is always an excitement when you do something together, when you share your precious time. Play a sport, eat at a restaurant, or watch your favorite movies together. You will feel the magic of love and connection that you have with each other.

12. Laugh Together. Not only is it true that laughter is the best medicine, but it's also true that laughter can make a great relationship. In a tedious relationship, it is hard to communicate with your partner and share humorous feelings. Not only does laughing establish a connection, it can help keep passionate feelings in perspective.
13. Develop a realistic expectation about sex and intimacy. This should not be based on what is taught in the media or films. This also implies finding new and creative ways to pleasing each other intimately.
14. Arrange a safe haven (time and place) from the stressful daily hassles of life to enjoy one another. This can include a quiet dinner along the beach, a walk in the park, etc.
15. Very importantly, support each other. If your partner has to do something for his school, studies or work, support them. This will make them feel loved, and it will make them realize that they also have a friend in you, not just a romantic interest. Be supportive. Be their number one fan.

How to Have a Healthy Relationship

There are reliable tools that can be used to create a healthy relationship, many of which have not been taught in our culture. If you want to have a really healthy relationship, follow these simple guidelines.
1. Do not expect anyone to be responsible for your happiness. Ask yourself why you aren't happy. Too often, relationships fail because someone is unhappy and blames the partner. Your life is solely under your control, with your relationship you have to take the good with the bad. You need to give as well as take. This is with the exception of domestic violence.
2. Make and keep clear agreements. Respect the differences between yourself and your partner. Do not expect your partner to agree with you on every issue. Reach a mutual agreement or plan, and then commit to it. If you say you're going to meet your partner for lunch at noon, be on time or call if you absolutely must be late. If you agree to have a monogamous relationship, keep that agreement. Keeping agreements shows respect for yourself and your partner, as well as creating a sense of trust and safety.
3. Use communication to establish a common ground to understand different points of view and to create a mutual, collaborative agreement or plan. You can choose to be right or to have a successful relationship. You can't always have both. Many people argue to be "right" about something. They say. "If you loved me, you would..." and argue to hear the other say, "Fine, you're right." If you are generally more interested in being right, this approach will not create a healthy relationship. Having a healthy relationship means that, while you have your experience, and your partner has his or her experience, you love and share and learn from those experiences. And if you can't reach any kind of mutual agreement, that doesn't mean either of you are wrong.
4. Approach your relationship as a learning experience. Each one has important information for you to learn. A true relationship will consist of both partners who need to equally contribute. Not only is that the only type of relationship that will work out, but it will work out in both of your favor.
5. Tell the unarguable truth. Be truthful to yourself and your partner if you want true love. Many people are taught to lie to protect someone's feelings, either their own or their partner's. Lies create disconnection between you and your relationship, even if your partner never finds out about it. For any sort of relationship, to work you need to have trust.

6. Forgive one another. Forgiveness is a decision of letting go of the past and focusing on the present. It's about taking control of your current situation. Talk about the issue and try to reach a mutual agreement on how to handle the situation in the future and then commit to it. If you can't reach an agreement, it's a bad sign. If you learn from the past and do not repeat the same pattern, it's a good sign. It's the only way to prevent yourself from more disappointment, anger or resentment. Respect your partner, when your partner tells you to leave them alone, do give him or her the time and space.
7. Review your expectations. Try to be as clear as you can about any expectations - including acceptable and unacceptable behaviour and attitudes, especially attitudes towards money. Everybody needs love, intimacy, affection, and affirmation.
8. Be Responsible. Here's a new definition: responsible means having the ability to respond. Respond to the real problem, to your true needs. It does not mean you or your partner are to blame. There is tremendous power in claiming your creation. If you've been snippy to your partner, own up to it and say sorry. You'll be amazed how this works
9. Appreciate yourself and your partner. In the midst of an argument, it can be difficult to find something to appreciate. Start by generating appreciation in moments of non-stress, and that way when you need to be able to do it during a stressful conversation, it will be easier. One definition of appreciation is to be sensitively aware so you don't have to be sugar-coating anything; so tell your beloved that you love him or her, and that you don't want to argue but to talk and make it better.
10. Admit your mistakes and say sorry. One possible way to do this is to talk after having a misunderstanding or argument. For example you can ask your partner to give you some time to think of the wrong and right things that you and he/she did. Ask your partner to do the same thing and talk to them when you are both ready. Ask your partner to give you time to talk and explain to them why you were angry, the wrong things you did, the things they did that you did not like and what you would like them to change. Ask your partner to do the same thing and give them a fair chance to talk and explain also. This will make your relationship stronger and help strengthen the communication between you and your partner.
11. Spend some quality time together. No matter how busy you two are, there is always an excitement when you do something together, when you share your precious time. Play a sport, eat at a restaurant, or watch your favorite movies together. You will feel the magic of love and connection that you have with each other.

12. Laugh Together. Not only is it true that laughter is the best medicine, but it's also true that laughter can make a great relationship. In a tedious relationship, it is hard to communicate with your partner and share humorous feelings. Not only does laughing establish a connection, it can help keep passionate feelings in perspective.
13. Develop a realistic expectation about sex and intimacy. This should not be based on what is taught in the media or films. This also implies finding new and creative ways to pleasing each other intimately.
14. Arrange a safe haven (time and place) from the stressful daily hassles of life to enjoy one another. This can include a quiet dinner along the beach, a walk in the park, etc.
15. Very importantly, support each other. If your partner has to do something for his school, studies or work, support them. This will make them feel loved, and it will make them realize that they also have a friend in you, not just a romantic interest. Be supportive. Be their number one fan.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Tautologi, Kontradiksi , Contingent , dan Ekuivalensi Logis


Suatu ekspresi logika yang selalu bernilai benar di dalam tabel kebenarannya, tanpa memedulikan nilai kebenaran dari proposisi yang berada di dalamnya.

Jika tautologi dipakai pada suatu argumen, berarti argumen harus mempunyai nilai T pada seluruh pasangan pada tabel kebenaran yang ada membuktikan argumen tadi valid.

Argumen berarti memiliki premis-premis dan mempunyai kesimpulan.

Jika premis-premis benar, maka kesimpulan juga harus benar.

Jika Tono pergi kuliah, maka Tini juga pergi kuliah. Jika Siska tidur, maka Tini pergi kuliah. Dengan demikian, jika Tono pergi kuliah atau Siska tidur, makaTini pergi kuliah.
Diubah ke variabel proposisional:
A = Tono pergi kuliah.
B = Tini pergi kuliah.
C = Siska tidur.

Diubah menjadi ekspresi logika yang terdiri dari premis-premis dan kesimpulan. Ekspresi logika 1 dan 2 adalah premis-premis, sedangkan ekspresi logika 3 adalah kesimpulan.
A->B (premis)
C->B (premis)
(A V C)->B (kesimpulan)
Selanjutnya dapat ditulis sebagai berikut:
((A->B)^(C->B))->((A V C)->B)

Setelah itu membuat tabel kebenaran dari ekspresi logika tersebut.

Jadi, jika tabel kebenaran menunjukkan hasil tautologi, maka argumen tersebut valid.

Dalam logika, tautologi dapat ditulis T atau 1 saja. Jadi jika A adalah tautologi, maka A = T atau A = 1

Pemanfaatan Tautologi

Ada beberapa hal penting yang diakibatkan oleh tautologi, yakni:

1. Implikasi secara logis. Misalnya A dan B adalah dua buah ekspresi logika, maka jika dikatakan A secara logis mengimplementasikan B dapat ditulis dengan A ->B

2. Ekuivalen secara logis. Misalnya A dan B adalah dua buah ekspresi logika, maka jika dikatakan A ekuivalen secara logis dengan B, dapat ditulis dengan: A = B. di sini disyaratkan A = B, jika dan hanya jika A <-> B adalah tautologi.


Suatu ekspresi logika yang selalu bernilai salah di dalam tabel kebenarannya, tanpa memedulikan nilai kebenaran dari proposisi-proposisi yang berada di dalamnya.

Pada argumen, suatu kontradiksi dapat dijumpai jika antara premis-premis bernilai T, sedangkan kesimpulan bernilai F. Hal ini tentunya tidak mungkin terjadi, karena premis-premis yang benar harus menghasilkan kesimpulan benar.

Dalam bahasa logika konjungsi dari semua premis-premis dengan negasi dari kesimpulan selalu bernilai F, dan terjadi kontradiksi.

Negasi kesimpulan berarti memberi nilai F pada negasi kesimpulan.

Dalam logika, kontradiksi dapat ditulis F atau 0 saja. Oleh karena itu, jika A adalah kontradiksi, maka A = F atau A = 0


Suatu ekspresi logika yang mempunyai nilai benar dan salah di dalam tabel kebenarannya, tanpa memedulikan nilai kebenaran dari proposisi-proposisi yang berada di dalamnya.

Ekuivalen Logis

Proposisi A dan B disebut ekuivalen secara logis jika A ekuivalen B adalah tautologi. Notasi atau simbol A ekuivalen B menandakan bahwa A dan B adalah ekuivalen secara logis. Proposisi dapat diganti dengan ekspresi logika berupa proposisi majemuk.

Pada tautologi dan juga kontradiksi dapat dipastikan bahwa jika dua buah ekspresi logika adalah tautologi, maka kedua buah ekspresi logika tersebut ekuivalen secara logis, demikian juga jika keduanya kontradiksi.

Pada contingent, jika urutan T dan F atau sebaliknya pada tabel kebenaran tetap pada urutan yang sama, maka tetap disebut ekuivalen secara logis.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Surakarta is also widely known by the name "Solo". "Surakarta" is used in formal and official contexts. The city has a similar name with the neighboring district of "Kartasura", where the previous capital of Mataram was located. The variant spelling Soerakarta reflects the Dutch orthography in use before the 1948 spelling reform.
It is approximately 65 km (40 miles) northeast of Yogyakarta, and 100 km (60 miles) southeast of Semarang The eastern part of the town is bordered by Bengawan Solo River, the longest river on Java. The river is the inspiration for the song Bengawan Solo, a 1940s composition by Gesang Martohartono which became famous throughout much of Asia.
Under the Koppen climate classification, Surakarta features a tropical monsoon climate. The city has a lengthy wet season spanning from October through June, and a relatively short dry season covering the remaining three months (July through September). Surakarta on average sees just under 2200 mm of rainfall annually, with its wettest months being December January and February. As common with many areas featuring a tropical monsoon climate, temperatures are relatively consistent throughout the year. Surakarta's average temperatures is roughly 30 degrees celsius every month.
In the current Indonesian context Surakarta is a city within the province of Central Java. Previous to the Indonesian nation being formed it was one of two areas ruled by local leaders.
During Dutch occupation Yogyakarta and Surakarta were known as the Vorstenland or principalities. Rivalry between the two has been endemic since their founding in the 18th century and was a deliberate ploy by the Dutch colonial powers to distract the attention from the presence of the Dutch colonial power.
The hereditary ruler of the kraton or main court within the city bears the title of Pakubuwono, the present king being Pakubuwono XIII. Like Yogyakarta, Solo also has a junior court, born of another civil war: the Mangkunegaran, a small principality inside Kasunanan, of which Mangkunegara IX is the present monarch. Neither holds any political power.
Surakarta is divided into 5 subdistricts (kecamatan): Banjarsari, Jebres, Laweyan, Pasar Kliwon, and Serengan.
Pasar Klewer and Gapura Kraton (Klewer Textile Market and Kraton Gate)
There are 2 major markets in the city, namely Pasar Klewer and Pasar Gede. Pasar Klewer is famous as the biggest textile market in the region.\
Its ruling family lay claim to being the heirs to the Mataram dynasty. Like Yogyakarta, Solo has two royal palaces.

Foundation of the dynasty
A series of wars and clashes between the Adipati (dukes) followed the death of the last Sultan of Demak Bintoro the first Islamic kingdom in Java. One of these was Jaka Tingkir, son-in-law of the late sultan. After defeating the last opponent duke of Jipang-Panola, Jaka Tingkir, aka Sultan Hadiwijaya, he claimed the throne and moved the capital to the city of Pajang, located about 8 miles from the present-day Surakarta. His adopted son, Sutawijaya, formed a conspiracy and killed him with the help of an assassin. Then, he ascended the throne and once again, moved the capital to Mataram in the present-day province of Jogjakarta, and a new dynasty was founded.

Pakubuwono II
Up until 1744, Solo was little more than a quiet backwater village, 10 km east of Kartasura, the contemporary capital of the Mataram kingdom. But in that year the Mataram susuhunan (king), Pakubuwono II, backed the Chinese against the Dutch, and the court at Kartasura was sacked as a result. Pakubuwono II searched for a more auspicious spot to rebuild his capital, and in 1745 the entire court was dismantled and transported in a great procession to Surakarta, on the banks of the Kali (River) Solo. February 18, 1745 is regarded as the official birthday of the city. It was said that the place he chose to be the new palace was situated on a small lake. The "babad" or official record of court historians still mentions that the lake was drained by the favor of the mythical queen of the southern sea, Nyi Roro Kidul.
However, the decline continued, and in 1757, after the kingdom of Mataram was divided into the Surakarta Sultanate (northern court) and the Jogjakarta Sultanate (southern court), another rival royal house of Mangkunegoro was established by Raden Mas Said aka Pangeran Samber Nyowo (The Slayer Prince) right in the centre of Solo. It marked the success of Dutch policies in East Indies, which were known as "divide et impera" (divide and conquer). Mataram held so much power in Java, yet it submitted to the Dutch. Thereafter, Solo's royal houses wisely avoided fighting and instead threw their energies into the arts, developing a highly sophisticated and graceful court culture. The gamelan pavilions became the new theaters of war, with each city competing to produce the more refined court culture. Wayang Kulit and Wayang Wong are some theatrical arts still performed today.

Pakubuwono X

Perhaps the most significant ruler of the 20th century, was Pakubuwono X. His relationship with the Dutch, and his large family, and his popularity contributed to perhaps the largest funeral procession that ever occurred in Solo. He had contributed large expenditure on the Royal Graveyard at Imogiri in the main sections of the graveyard, as well as towards the new section that he was buried in. In the era just prior to independence Surakarta had European, Chinese and Arab quarters.

Struggle for Independence
After hearing the proclamation of Indonesian Independence, both Mangkunegara VII and Pakubuwono IX declared Surakarta a part of Republic of Indonesia (RI). Because of this support, President Soekarno declared Surakarta as Daerah Istimewa Surakarta (DIS)/"Surakarta Special Region".
October 1945, an anti-"swapraja" (anti-feudalism/anti-monarchy) movement was established in Surakarta. One of the leaders of this movement was Tan Malaka, a member of the Indonesian Communist Party. This organization wanted to abolish all feudal kingdoms in Surakarta, the Surakarta special region (DIS), and replace all regents in Surakarta. The key debate was whether the end of Dutch rule should bring a total change in the government, or whether the ancient and historic institutions, giving the people a link to pre-colonial times, should be retained.
October 17, 1945, KRMH Sosrodiningrat, the vizier of Mangkunegara kingdom was kidnapped and murdered by communists. The new vizier, KRMT Yudonagoro and 9 other officials from Kepatihan were also kidnapped and murdered by the same movement in March 1946.
In 1946, the capital of Republic of Indonesia (RI) was moved to the nearby city of Yogyakarta.
On June 16, 1946, the DIS was abolished replaced with regency (kabupaten) of Surakarta. This event is commemorated as the birthday of the city of Surakarta. This only has administrative and not civic significance.
On June 26, 1946, Prime Minister of Indonesia Sutan Syahrir was kidnapped by a rebel movement led by Major General Soedarsono, the commander of 3rd division.
President Soekarno (more often called Sukarno) was angry at this kidnapping and on July 1, 1946, 14 civilian leaders of this movement, including Tan Malaka was arrested by Indonesian police.
On July 2, 1946, the rebel leaders were freed from Wirogunan prison by rebel troops, led by Maj. Gen. Soedarsono.
President Soekarno asked the local military commander in Surakarta, Lieutenant Colonel Soeharto (later becoming President Soeharto [often spelled Suharto]) to arrest Major General Soedarsono and the rebel group. Lt. Col. Soeharto refused to follow this command unless it was given directly by the Military Chief of Staff, General Soedirman. President Soekarno was angry at this rejection of his authority to give direct commands to all levels of the military, and called Lt. Col. Soeharto a stubborn ("koppig") officer.
Lt. Col. Soeharto pretended that he supported the rebellion and persuaded Maj. Gen. Soedarsono and his group to stay at his Head Quarters at Wiyoro, Surakarta for their own safety. Later that night he persuaded Maj. Gen. Soedarsono to meet President Soekarno at his palace on the next morning. Lt. Col. Soeharto secretly informed the presidential guard troops about Maj. Gen. Soedarsono plan on the next morning.

On July 3, 1946, Maj. Gen. Soedarsono and his group was arrested by the presidential guard troops near the palace. PM Syahrir was released unharmed. Several months later, Maj. Gen. Soedarsono and his group were pardoned and released from prison.
Later this rebellion was called the "failed July 3, 1946 coup". This event is mentioned in President Soeharto's autobiography published in 1988.
From 1945 to 1948, the Dutch re-occupied various regions in Java. The remaining area of Republic Indonesia were in Yogyakarta, Surakarta and surrounding areas.
In December 1948, the Dutch attacked and occupied the cities of Yogyakarta and Surakarta. The Indonesian army led by General Soedirman started a guerrilla war from surrounding areas. The Dutch said that RI was destroyed and no longer existed.
To disprove this claim, the Indonesian army conducted large scale raids into the cities of Jogyakarta and Surakarta called "Serangan Oemoem". The Indonesian troops managed to beat the Dutch troops and occupy the city for several hours. The leader of the raid to Yogyakarta was Lt. Col. Soeharto. The leader of a similar raid on Surakarta on August 7, 1949 was Lt. Col. Slamet Riyadi.
To commemorate this event, the main street on the city of Surakarta is renamed as "Brigadier General Slamet Riyadi Street".

By 1950 Surakarta had a population of 165,484[1] In 1950 Surakarta, or Solo, was a trade center for such agricultural products as rice, rubber, corn, indigo, cassava and sugar. It also had seen the development of some industries. These included tanning, textiles and machinery. Also batik making was a common activity.

1960s troubles
Main article: Transition to the New Order
From October 1965 to 1966, there was large scale chaos in Central Java, following an abortive coup and the subsequent killings of 1965–66.

1998 riot
In May 1998, there was a large riot in Surakarta. It was initially triggered by rising oil prices, with an angry mob ransacking and setting many buildings on fire, particularly banks and official government buildings. But then the situation became uncontrolled as the mob targeted shopping centers and other commercial buildings to be destroyed as well, before it finally turned into a racial riot as rioters targeted houses and business assets of the local Indonesian-Chinese, leading to widespread destruction in the region.
In the early 1980s, Abu Bakar Bashir and Husein Al Habshi established Pesantren Ngruki, an Islamic school in Surakarta. Basyir left for Malaysia and stayed there for 14 years during the Suharto era. In Malaysia, Basyir and Sungkar established the "Jemaah Islamiyah" (JI) organization. In 1999, Basyir returned to Indonesia and established an Islamist group called Majelis Mujahideen Indonesia (MMI) in Surakarta. From 2002 to 2005, terrorists related to the JI group were blamed for bomb attacks against foreign tourist in various areas in Indonesia. Some believe most that the JI terrorists behind the bombing attacks in Jakarta and Bali are alumni of "Pesantren Ngruki" in Surakarta.

Local dialect
The mother tongue of Surakartans is a local variety Javanese, which differs in some aspects from other areas speaking Javanese. For example, for Surakatans the Javanese word for "cold" is adem, but in Semarang it is atis. The Javanese language of Surakarta and Yogyakarta is used as the standard for all Javanese speakers throughout the nation. Indonesia's official national language Indonesian.

Adisumarmo International Airport (airport code: SOC) has direct flights to Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and, during the hajj season, Saudi Arabia, as well as regular flights to Jakarta. It is located 14 kilometres north of the city.[2]
Surakarta has four train stations, i.e. Solo Balapan, Purwosari, Solo Jebres, and Solo Kota (Sangkrah). Solo Balapan is the largest station in Surakarta, and is the junction between Yogyakarta (westward), Semarang (northward), and Surabaya (eastward), while Purwosari is the junction located west of Solo Balapan, and has connection to Wonogiri (southward). Surakarta is unique because it is the only Indonesian city to remain having street-parallel railtrack between Purwosari and Solo Kota, along Jalan Slamet Riyadi, Solo's main road. A heritage railway, called Jaladara, also operates between the two stations. Historically, Purwosari had the junction to Boyolali (westward).

Tirtonadi Terminal is the largest bus terminal in Surakarta. Surakarta is situated in Indonesian National Route 15, which connects it to Yogyakarta and Waru (Sidoarjo). Currently, Semarang-Solo Toll Road is under construction.

The main tourist attraction of Surakarta is Keraton Surakarta, the palace of Susuhunan Pakubuwono, also the Princely Javanese court of Mangkunegaran. The Pasar Klewer is famous for its batiks ranged from all prices and qualities, while the Pasar Triwindhu located near Mangkunegaran palace specializes in antiques. Taman Sriwedari is a popular local entertainment park featuring children playground, dangdut music performance, and Wayang Wong traditional Javanese dance performance almost everynight. Near the park is Radyapustaka Museum, one of the oldest museum in Indonesia, with collection of Javanese culture artifacts. The traditional batik village of Laweyan is famous for producing fine quality Javanese batik located on southwest part of the city. Surakarta is located 60 kilometres from Yogyakarta and shares many of the tourism spots. Candi Borobudur, Candi Prambanan, Candi Ratu Boko, Candi Kalasan, and many other "Candi" or ancient temples are the historical tourism spots. Surakarta is located much closer to Candi Cetho and Candi Sukuh on the slopes of Mount Lawu. The mountainous area of Tawangmangu featuring Grojogan Sewu waterfall on the slope of mount Lawu also popular destination for tourist during their stay in Surakarta.

Accommodations are widely available, from small lodgings to international chain hotels.

Food associated with Surakarta includes Nasi Liwet, Nasi Timlo, Serabi, Intip, Roti Mandarin, and Bakpia Balong.